Armour Crew Simulator
Defense and Security
We work with OEMs & front line commands in Defence and Security, supporting them to transform how they deliver simulation training to better prepare their troops to face an increasingly complex operational environment.
Our critical insight is that Virtual Reality (VR), as well as being a great way of presenting data to a user, is also an incredibly powerful data capture and storage medium.

The ReACT armour crew sim makes training easier to deliver for instructors, increased repetition and confidence for students, provides greater opportunities for crews to train together, while also providing significant cost reductions and carbon savings.

Our ReACT armour crew sim increases training & repetition opportunities for armour crews, using immersive VR environments to replace the need for real world platforms, using cutting edge data exploitation capability to provide insights, while decreasing the carbon footprint of training.
The ReACT armour crew sim allows troops to train when and where they need to, instead of being reliant on real world training exercises to get access to realistic training.
The ReACT armour crew sim is built from the ground up, we know it solves a problem because we worked with front line military end users to inform how it was designed. We are also proud that 30% of our company are veterans, which means that we put the soldier at the centre of our VR simulation solutions.
In an increasingly complex operational environment, often characterised by forces operating advanced technological platforms but with reduced headcount and increased personnel turnover, many western militaries face the need to transform how they train and prepare their forces.
The leading western militaries are now looking for ways to leverage newly matured technologies, such as virtual reality, to transform how they train & prepare their troops, with a particular focus on providing the ability to train “at the point of need”, while exploiting their training data to measure, evaluate & predict performance.

From a Quantitative perspective, the independently estimated savings per 12 student gunnery course, assuming just 3 days of simulation use, are:
Savings on fuel, ammo,
instructor & support staff.
2 tonnes
OF reduction of CO2 from
armoured vehicle driving.
52 days
Improved efficiency and operational capacity with 81 man days & 52 vehicle days returned to the organisation.
From a Qualitative perspective, the user reported improvements in interviews are:
Knowledge retention has improved from 30% per training session to 80%.
Ease of actioning insights from AARs increased from 60% to 100%, and student confidence post training session increased from 60% to 100%.
Better instructor oversight. One customer has seen their instructor to student ratio increased from 1:3 to 1:12, when using the simulator.